I have an idea for a cool name : Turtle readers
I want this name because in my drama class I am called Turtle man and I am drawing my first comic about myself: Turtle man. It is called Turtle man, attack of the Chameleon-Kid. I shall try to get it on a website so I can put a link to it on here for you all to see.
I have also got a theme tune for him.
(To the tune of Spider-Man)
Does whatever a turtle can
But what can a turtle do?
I don't know, neither do you
Look out
Here comes the turtle man
Hmm, good idea! But if we're going to do that, we should go the whole way and call it 'The Further Adventures of Turtle Man and the Chameleon Kid Reading Group'..! Or perhaps that is a little bit long... I would definitely love to read the Turtle Man comic though!